Monday, July 25, 2005


Training Zone Heart Rate Calculator Please remember that any algorithm used to determine your maximum heart rate (MHR) is only a best guess and not a guarantee of your true MHR value. To accurately determine your MHR you should consider conducting a Stress Test

The calculator determines your maximum heart rate (MHR) based on the algorithm: 217 - ( age × 0.85 ). If you know your true MHR then adjust your age [ age = (217 - MHR) ÷ 0.85 ] to see your correct MHR displayed in the calculator's "Maximum Heart Rate" window.

Enter your age, resting heart rate, the lower and upper training zone values (%) and then select the 'Calculate' button.

Age years Max Heart Rate bpm
Resting Heart Rate bpmWorking Heart Rate bpm
Lower Training Zone % which is a Heart Rate of bpm
Upper Training Zone %which is a Heart Rate of bpm

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